Interior Moss Art.Preserved Moss Frame “Body Woman”
Interior Moss Art. Preserved Moss Frame "Body Woman "
Preserved Moss Frame look spectacular and bring an extra freshness to any room. Preserved Moss do not cause allergies, they do not attract insects and they are 100% natural.
Size: 50/70 cm
Creation Year: 2023
Additional information
The benefits of Flowers from M.E. Preserved Moss include the following:
- Indicates if the humidity is optimal.
- Reduces mold and excessive humidity.
- Cleans and purifies the air.
- Reduces noise.
- Easy maintenance.
- Provides a positive energy.
- Is antistatic.
- Is fire redundant.
DISCLAIMER-Interior Moss Art: These are preserved moss from Holland.Please follow the Care Instructions in "Care Instructions" for "Interior Moss Art " in the Flowers from M.E. website.